Premiere Studio of Dance is committed to providing a safe and uplifting dance experience for all. We ask that everyone follow our code of conduct to help create a positive, memorable and fun dance experience!
- Arrive on time and ready for all of your classes
- Have a positive attitude
- Treat your teacher and other dancers with respect – always!
- No foul language, chewing gum, or cell phones in class
- Notify your teacher immediately of any injury or illness
- Always give 100% in every class
- Maintain a positive attitude, encourage your dancer
- Enjoy watching your child grow and learn new things
- Drop off and pick up your child on time
- Trust the professional guidance the instructors at Premiere give your dancer
Finally, dancers and parents are simply asked to conduct themselves in a way that promotes respect, and encourages others to always be their best self. Any actions, whether they be verbal, written, or physical that are perceived as intimidating, threatening or otherwise hostile, are strictly forbidden. Parents and students that choose not to follow the studio code of conduct will be removed from the studio immediately without refund.